<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Single Object Status

You can access live data and live status data of single objects using the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API).

icon-i-round-redAuthentication with username and passhash (or username and password) must always be included in each PRTG API request. See section Authentication for more information.

Here are quick links for ease of use.

Status of an Object

You can get the status information (lastvalue, downtime) of an object using the following API calls:


Get object status:


The XML result looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Supported Object Types

getobjectstatus.htm supports the following object types:

  • probe
  • group
  • device
  • sensor

Sensor Details

You can get details about a sensor (sensortype, interval, uptime) using the following API calls:

icon-i-roundYou need the sensor ID to get details about a sensor. You can find the ID on the sensor's Overview tab or by hovering over a sensor in the device tree, for example.


Get details about a sensor in XML:


Get details about a sensor in JSON:


Current Ticket Status and Message

The following API calls return status and message of a ticket.


The status of a ticket:


The subject and assignee of a ticket:



Knowledge Base: How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


Application Programming Interface (API) Definition—Topics
