<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Inheritance of Settings

The hierarchical tree does not only help to organize the devices and keep everything neat and tidy. There is also an important aspect involved that we call inheritance. To ensure that administration is quick and easy—especially for large monitoring setups—certain settings are inherited from a higher level. For example, you can change the monitoring interval of all sensors by editing the interval setting of the topmost Root group (unless no other setting is defined below).

Settings are Inherited to Child Objects

You can override this inheritance at any level of the hierarchy by setting a different value for a specific probe, group, device, or sensor. All objects below will inherit these new settings; object settings from levels above will not be affected.

Settings that are inherited among all objects include:

  • Scanning interval
  • Notification triggers
  • Authentication settings for several systems
  • Compatibility settings (for certain types of sensors)
  • Channel and unit configuration
  • User access rights
  • Tags
  • Paused status: If an object is paused by the user or by a schedule, all sensors on it are paused as well

icon-i-roundThere is one exception for devices and sensors: the IP address or DNS name of a device and compatibility settings are always inherited by sensors and cannot be changed at sensor level.

The screenshot below shows the Windows systems credentials settings inherited from the parent.

Inherited Credentials for Windows Systems

Inherited Credentials for Windows Systems

Click inherited_settings_button next to inherit from [parent object] to override the parent's settings and enter new settings for this object and all objects underneath in the hierarchy.

Credentials for Windows Systems

Credentials for Windows Systems

icon-i-blueClick Save for your settings to take effect. Clicking inherited_settings_broken_button after entering your settings inherits the parent settings again and your settings will not take effect.

Default Values Set in Root Group

For all settings (except passwords), PRTG already includes a set of default values so you can start working with the software immediately. For example, the following settings will be inherited by all sensors from the Root group:

  • Default scanning interval of one minute
  • SNMP version 1 with community string set to public (default values for most devices)
  • Dependency type Use parent
  • etc.

You may need to change some of the default entries as you become used to the interface. However, these settings will initially suffice for most situations.

Before sensor setup, we recommend that you review the Root group settings and set the default values to suit your setup. This should include the credentials for the types of systems in your network that you want to monitor (Windows, Linux, virtual servers, etc.).

icon-book-arrowsSee section Root Group Settings for more details.

Inheritance of Notification Triggers

If you add notification triggers at probe, group, or device level, these will also be inherited to all sensors underneath, unless you break the inheritance manually.

icon-book-arrowsSee section Sensor Notification Triggers Settings for details.


Understanding Basic Concepts—Topics

Keywords: Inheritance of Settings